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Our Mission

We are passionate about seeing threatened species thrive.

Arid Recovery is an independent not-for-profit running a 123 km2 wildlife reserve in South Australia’s arid north. We pioneer conservation science to help threatened species thrive across the Australian outback.

What We Do

Our vision is to lead sustainable restoration of arid ecosystems.
We’re saving species through science.
Inspiring passion and skills in arid zone conservation.

Our History

Our story began in 1997 when Katherine Moseby, John Read, Peter Copley and David Paton began lobbying for support with the creation of a rabbit-free reserve for the purpose of ecosystem restoration and research.

A committee was formed from representatives of WMC Resources, the SA Department for Environment & Heritage and the University of Adelaide. Community members formed a group called Friends of Arid Recovery, completing a four-way partnership.

We began with construction of a 14km² fenced reserve and eradication of rabbits, cats and foxes within this area. The reserve is now 123km2, with five native species successfully re-introduced.


Our Strategic Plan

There are four focus areas that we are committed to progressing. Our challenge is to maintain our commitment to the biodiversity of the reserve and to our community while pushing on these four frontiers.

Scientific innovation

Conservation is progressed beyond the fence so that reintroduction of species can occur on a landscape scale.

Working together for greater impact

We will have an impact well beyond our size through alliances, collaborations and sharing of knowledge for conservation.

Working together on country

We will support genuine and enduring partnerships with traditional owners, building understanding through collaboration and incorporation of traditional knowledge into management of landscapes and native species.

Understanding climate change and drought

Arid Recovery will be resilient to drought and ready to adapt to a changing climate. We will develop a narrative of adaptation for arid landscapes.


View the Arid Recovery Strategic Plan

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