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Our Board

Guiding Arid Recovery: Our Board’s Expert Leadership

The Arid Recovery Board is composed of leaders with diverse expertise in environmental policy, community engagement, safety and sustainability, academic research, and corporate governance. With a shared commitment to conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, the board plays a crucial role in steering Arid Recovery towards achieving its mission of conserving Australia's unique wildlife and habitats.

Allan Holmes
Independent Chair

Allan Holmes is an Independent Director, former Chief Executive of the SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and former Director of National Parks and Wildlife SA. He brings over 35 years of experience in environmental policy, management and Board governance.

Sandy Carruthers
SA Department for Environment and Water Representative

Sandy is the SA Department of Environment and Water (DEW) Representative and current Group Executive Director Science & Information and Chief Information Officer at DEW. She brings wide-ranging experience in facilitating research partnerships, science communication, human resources and organisational management.

Photo: Sandy Carruthers / LinkedIn

Andrew Corletto
Independent Director

Andrew is an Independent Director and current partner at Minter Ellison, with over 25 years of experience in resources and corporate law.

Photo: Minter Ellison

Emily Jenke
Independent Member

Emily is the current CEO of DemocracyCo . She is a facilitator by trade, and a specialist in complex community engagement with 25 years of experience. Coupled with her expertise and passion in environmental management, Emily’s core skills are around engaging communities in environmental endeavours.

Professor Laura Parry
University of Adelaide Representative

Laura is the University of Adelaide Representative and  is the Head of School, Biological Sciences . She was previously Associate Dean Research & Industry (Faculty of Science) and Head of Vascular Physiology & Reproduction in the School of BioSciences . Laura is internationally renowned for her research on the therapeutic actions of the peptide hormone relaxin in women’s health and cardiovascular disease. (Photo: University of Adelaide)

Mark Priadko
Independent Director

Mark is an Independent Director and brings extensive experience in financial management, organisational governance and project management.

Rebecca Spindler
Bush Heritage Australia Representative

Rebecca Spindler is the Bush Heritage Australia representative on the Board. She is the Executive Manager, Science and Conservation for Bush Heritage, and contributes her expertise in conservation strategy and governance.

Stephen White
Principal Rehabilitation and Biodiversity, BHP

Stephen White is the BHP representative on the Board. He is Manager Biodiversity and Rehabilitation for BHP and brings his experience in biodiversity planning and restoration from an industry perspective.

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