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Privacy Policy

The Trustee for the Arid Recovery Trust ("Arid Recovery") is the owner and publisher of content on this website. This Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your personal information.. Arid Recovery reserves its rights to amend the Privacy Policy at any time without notice to you. Arid Recovery respects your right to privacy and understands the need to protect your personal information. Arid Recovery adheres to the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ("Privacy Act") and other relevant codes and requirements relating to the privacy of your personal information. Arid Recovery will strictly comply with all relevant legislative requirements.

Collection and use of your personal information: Your personal information will be collected through this website when responding to various opportunities within it. Information Arid Recovery collects may include your name, address, other contact details, credit card particulars, and any other information that Arid Recovery may need to obtain. Arid Recovery may collect information for a number of reasons including and relating, but not limited, to:

  • Lodging an interest to volunteer or for employment opportunities
  • Lodging an application to participate in an educational or community visit to Arid Recovery's Reserve
  • When making a donation or application to sponsor an animal
  • Purchasing tickets for tours or events
  • Making a general enquiry

Disclosure of your personal information: Your personal information may only be communicated internally between Arid Recovery and externally to any relevant third parties as required to service your application, create necessary bookings or arrangements, insurance purposes (only in limited circumstances), by law, and to any other third party where your consent is given.

By submitting personal information via the website, you consent to the disclosure of that information to a third party, which may be located overseas, for the purposes identified in the preceding paragraph. However, your personal information will not be sold or distributed to third parties for the purpose of direct marketing or statistical analysis. Your personal information will only be used for purposes directly related to Arid Recovery’s business. Security of your personal information and access to your personal information is limited to those parties within Arid Recovery who require legitimate access to it.

Arid Recovery takes reasonable precautions to protect your information, including IT security, secure document storage, and confidentiality policies. You may have access to your personal information which Arid Recovery holds by writing to the Chief Executive:

Chief Executive
Arid Recovery
PO Box 147
Roxby Downs SA 5725
Email: [email protected]

Please also contact the Chief Executive on the above address if any information Arid Recovery holds is inaccurate, or if you would like details on how we manage your personal information. In rare circumstances, and only where it is permitted under the Privacy Act, we may not be able to provide you with access to your information. For example, where the requested access will have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of others or where we are required by law to withhold the information. If we are unable to provide you with access, we will provide you with reasons for our refusal.

Refund Policy

The Trustee for the Arid Recovery Trust (‘Arid Recovery’) relies heavily on donations and sponsorships for funding of its work restoring and conserving Australia’s arid zone. As these contributions are non-refundable, please give due consideration to any contribution you wish to make to Arid Recovery before forwarding funds to Arid Recovery.

Sunset Tours

Sunset Tours are subject to road and weather conditions and may be cancelled on the day, or at our discretion (e.g. if extreme weather is forecasted).

Arid Recovery will endeavour to give as much notice as possible to affected customers. In the event that we need to cancel a tour we will attempt to offer another mutually convenient time. A booking cancelled by Arid Recovery will be refunded in full to the customer.

In most cases a full refund can be arranged if notice is given at least 7 days in advance by the customer to cancel a booking. 
To request a refund please email [email protected]

Events and tours

In the event that Arid Recovery finds it necessary to cancel an event, tour or stay. (e.g. if there is an extreme weather event), Arid Recovery will not be held liable for any losses experienced by the customer arising from such cancellation(s).
Arid Recovery will also, on application in writing, consider a refund for cancellations: 

  • Providing that written notice is received a minimum of 14 days ahead of the starting date for the event, tour or stay.
  • Requested by the customer for deposits held or payments made where extenuating circumstances have prevented attendance.

Arid Recovery reserves the right to assess applications for refunds on their merit and, in all circumstances, retains sole discretion as to whether to provide a refund. An administration fee will be applied to any refund made; and in certain circumstances a deposit may be retained or cancellation fee applied.

To request a refund please email [email protected] 

Merchandise returns or refunds

Arid Recovery will refund or replace any goods that are found to be faulty or do not meet customer’s expectations. There may be postage costs payable by the customer.

Please contact us within 30 days on 08 8671 2402 or by email at [email protected] for information on how to return your merchandise.

This document reflects Arid Recovery's Refund and Cancellation Policy as at February 2024. Arid Recovery reserves its right to amend the policy at any time without notice to you.

Any questions? Please call us on 08 8671 2402

Terms & Conditions

By donating, sponsoring, purchasing merchandise, booking tours or attending events at Arid Recovery you will be contributing to Arid Recovery's work in restoring Australia’s arid zone.

All payments are in Australian Dollars

Any information provided with payment is treated in confidence. Please see privacy policy for details.


Donations to The trustee for Arid Recovery Trust (ABN: 57 587 995 265) are tax deductible. Further information in regards to Arid Recovery’s Deductible Gift Recipient status can be found on the Australian Government ABR website. Donations are non-refundable, please see refund policy for details.

For more specific information please refer AR Refund Policy and Privacy Policy.

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Please see our privacy policy for details about how we use and protect your information.

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