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Scientific Advisory Panel

The Scientific Advisory Panel supports Arid Recovery by giving strategic and technical advice on research, conservation and ecological management.

Panel members are appointed for their expertise and cover a diversity of backgrounds and experience. They provide independent and expert technical advice for Arid Recovery's science programs. This includes development of the Research Plan and assessment of research applications. The University of Adelaide’s representative Director on the Board chairs the Scientific Advisory Panel. The Panel meets at least three times per year, including a site visit to Arid Recovery.

Current membership

Laura Parry (University of Adelaide Director)
Jeremy Austin (University of Adelaide)
Peter Copley (formery SA Department for Environment & Water)
Graeme Finlayson (Bush Heritage Australia)
Allan Holmes (Chair of the Board of Directors)
Heather Neilly (Australian Landscape Trust)
Reece Pedler (University of NSW, Wild Deserts)
John Read (Ecological Horizons)
Dan Rogers (Murray Darling Basin Authority)
Stephanie Williams (formerly ecological advisor)

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